Faces behind RestPoll

Meet Alexandra-Maria Klein

Today, we are happy to introduce you to Alexandra-Maria Klein, the coordinator of RestPoll. She has a strong intrinsic motivation to improve the pollination of wild and crop plants and to promote as many flower-visiting species as possible in diverse, beautiful landscapes.

As coordinator, Alexandra-Maria is responsible for ensuring that the RestPoll project is successful. That is, that all project partners do their utmost to help ensure that climate change-adapted habitats for wild pollinators are created and protected in the long term. She is also leader of two work packages of RestPoll: work package 1 and work package 7.

The overall objective of work package 1 is to establish and test co-adaptive management in a European restoration network. This work package is therefore commissioned largely with the integration of the whole RestPoll conceptual framework.

Work package 7 focuses on coordinating, networking, and data management. The overarching goal of this work package is to produce a friendly working atmosphere, timely transdisciplinary results, not exceeding the overall budget, and to have scientific and societal impacts.

“I am an ecologist with a deep connection to nature and long-standing curiosity for understanding ecosystem functions mediated by multi-trophic interactions with a strong background in pollination ecology. I have more than 20 years of experience in bringing research to policy and society at large"
Alexandra Klein
Alexandra-Maria Klein

Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology

Alexandra is head of the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology at the University of Freiburg in Germany, since 2013. The research of this team centers around the study of biodiversity and ecosystem functions facilitated by macro-organisms such as bees, wasps, ants, slugs, as well as small mammals and birds. These organisms play significant roles in various ecological relationships, including pollination, herbivory, seed dispersal, seed predation, and natural regulation of insect populations through parasitism. The primary objective is to comprehend how environmental factors and uncertainties, such as pesticide usage, land use and climate change, impact the interplay between biodiversity and ecosystem functions.

Staff of the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecolology
Logo University of Freiburg

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